
For undergraduates and interns

Učka-konzalting is paying great attention to recruiting staff during their education. The interested students make the first steps of co-operation with Učka-konzalting through practical training. For most of you, this is one of the first opportunities to complement the acquired theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge and skills, thus starting a career path in the area that interests you most.

Cooperation established with the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka

Each year, a number of students complete their practical training with our company, and a significant number of students ask for assistance with the preparation of seminar and graduate theses. For them, it is an opportunity to learn something new using methods, equipment and literature that are otherwise not easily accessible to them. Most of them are just beginning to grasp the various kinds of jobs that professionals of their profile can do, and their internship is a real opportunity to define their professional interests and ambitions.

If you are interested in completing your internship with us, please do not hesitate to contact us at: Please provide your CV and information on your area of interest and the times when you are free to start your internship.

Učka-konzalting is one of the leading private consulting firms in Istria. Dynamism, flexibility and readiness to learn and to respond to new challenges are key features of our employees, enabling us to improve our quality and expand the range of services. Our door is open to people aimed at reaching goals and achieving the best results. We consider employees to be the basis of our success. We provide them with a safe and stimulating work environment and the ability to achieve professional goals and aspirations and in which their work will be recognized and appropriately valued.

© Učka-konzalting d.o.o. 2025.